RFK Jr. Hearing EXPOSES Corrupt Politicians in Humiliating Scandal | Media Blackout

RFK Jr. Hearing EXPOSES Corrupt Politicians in Humiliating Scandal | Media Blackout

By Vigilant News Network


Here’s what others had to say:

To say we live in a clown world is the understatement of all time, when considering the so-called COVID 19 vaccine. With literally millions (35 million according to this broadcast, which I believe) of deaths caused by this vax worldwide, thousands of people dropping dead shortly (within hours) after receiving the jab, and thousands more dying within a few days or weeks, how is this still being available in our world? That compared to all other vaccines, all of those pulled from the market after a tiny fraction of deaths compared to the COVID vax. Only one conclusion is obvious… it is meant to kill people. Anyone that still supports the use of this bio-weapon (Hotez) openly supports reducing the world population with its use. May God not have mercy on their souls if they aren’t truly ignorant of the truth.

Legally Stop inside trading by the Democrats. They are all millionaires from inside trading. The money should be taken from them and given to the dead people’s families.

The link between mRNA injections and death is clear and unequivocal yet Trump continues to push this technology, is this a result of his vaulting arrogance and narcissism or is it just crass stupidity ?
Nothing he does will matter a damn unless he ends this technology and holds the criminals. responsible for it accountable.

The robots will pick the crops and they won’t get cancer from all the poisons they are putting them on them.

Time to start primary/or recall for all that received money from the pharmaceutical industries

Democrats are taking millions from Big Pharma. Now are being highly paid to scream at and threaten Kennedy. The Democrats need to be removed from office for accepting bribes from Big Pharma. Democrats accepting bribes from Big Pharma while watching millions die on respirators during covid shut down

There are no crops to pick Billy boy has bought all the farm land with the CCP

Like remember the time they called him a conspiracy theorist and then he threw down some fresh hot theories about more actual corruption in the swamp? Boom goes the Democrats!

THESE confirmation hearings show us who the traitors are.. and i mean traitors.. corrupt degenerates serving those who extort blackmail and bribe them.. not the american people. most of congress belongs in prison not in congress.

if those same three republics vote against the people being confirmed everything that can be done to bring them down and any funding for the states they come from should be cut off…..they are useles traitors and should not even be talked to…the 2 dumb women have done this for a long time so they arent republicans…..take them to a j6 meeting to explain themselves

Bernie was completely disingenuous by not recognizing that Kennedy’s efforts to make America healthy again will make it much easier for the US to eventually provide health care to all of its citizens. Right now we provide health care to all those who are not citizens because that is how the laws are designed. Hospitals can’t turn away people because they can’t pay, and illegal aliens simply say they can’t pay and they get treated for free. Meanwhile hard working citizens who have built a life and a modest amount of assets will lose everything from a simple surgery. Why should working citizens pay for free health care for illegals and not get the same benefit themselves. The world is upside down.


Original source: https://rumble.com/v6g0oeg-rfk-jr.-hearing-exposes-corrupt-politicians-in-humiliating-scandal-media-bl.html

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