86 Australian politicians voted to get Assange out of UK jail – www.cairnsnews.org

86 Australian politicians voted to get Assange out of UK jail – www.cairnsnews.org

Liberal politicians who voted against federal member Andrew Wilkie’s motion to get Assange out of prison are listed below

By Harry Palmer

Never underestimate the power of political lies and deceit when self preservation becomes and agenda.

Assange faces a two-day hearing starting in the UK High Court over whether he should be granted a full appeal to challenge his extradition. If he loses at that stage, he will have exhausted all judicial remedies in England and his supporters fear he could be swiftly sent to the U.S. before he could appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

Please watch this video synopsis of the Julian Assange saga to refresh your memory or to better understand the depth of depravity their enforcers will stoop to save their backsides.

Former US Presidential candidate and Deep State political mover and shaker is computer-illiterate Hillary Clinton, a self-acclaimed leader of the people who chose not to use the government’s secure communication, instead she used her personal Blackberry cell phone and a gmail account while Secretary of State.

Hillary’s several thousand or so emails were made public by Assange all part of the Assange harvest of national and international illegal spying activites in cyber space.

(Crooked) Democrat Hillary is leading the ‘kill Assange’ operation along with sitting politicians and senior defence personnel.

If Julian Assange is guilty then it is not for treason, it was for exposing conspiracies, crooks and corruption at the highest level in America that has flushed Watergate down the sewer.

What makes the Assange travesty even worse is the CIA and FBI, Democrat judges and prosecutors and a host of dodgy Democrat politicians have been covering for the Biden crime family for decades.

Donald Trump has removed ‘crooked’ from the Hilary title and bestowed it on President Joe Biden whom Trump says is more deserving of the title as revelations of the Biden family’s corruption and criminal dealing in Ukraine involving son Hunter’s Burisma Holdings come to light.

It is notable that Trump has not taken a public position on Assange.

Biden’s proven corruption makes Assange a kindergarten teacher in comparison.

The US has to silence Julian for he has many aces in his hand yet to be dealt, backed by a loyal team of computer nerds world wide awaiting the starters flag to drop.

The following names are the 42 federal members of the Australian Parliament who Voted to have Julian EXTRADITED from the UK. They voted against Julian coming home. The 86 MHR’s who voted for Julian to be released from Belmarsh Prison in the UK should be commended. Those in the affirmative include PM Albanese.


1. Karen Andrews ….. (LNP) ….. Queensland

2 Mark Coulton ….. (National Party) ….. N.S.W.

3. Kevin Hogan ….. (National Party) ….. N.S.W.

4. Michael McCormack …..(National Party) ….. N.S.W.

5. Keith Pitt ….. (LNP) ….. Queensland

6. Dan Tehan ….. (Liberal Party) ….. Victoria

7. Jenny Ware ….. (Liberal Party)…… N.SW.

8. Sam Birrell ….. (National Party) ….. Victoria

9. Peter Dutton ….. (LNP …… Queensland

10. Michelle Laundry …… (LNP) …… Queensland

11. Melissa McIntosh ……. (Liberal Party) …… N.S.W.

12. Melissa Price ….. (Liberal Party) …… W.A.

13. Phillip Thompson …… (LNP) …… Queensland

14. Anne Webster …… (National) …… Victoria

15. Scott Buchholz …… (LNP) …… Queensland

16. Paul Fletcher …… (Liberal Party) …… N.S.W.

17. Julian Lesser …… (Liberal Party) …… N.S.W.

18. Ted O’Brien ……. (LNP) ….. Queensland

19. Rowan Ramsay …… (Liberal Party ….. S.A.

20. Bert van Manen ……. (LNP) …… Queensland

21. Rick Wilson …… (Liberal Party) …… W.A.

22. Cameron Caldwell …… (LNP) …… Queensland

23. David Gillespie …… (National Party) ….. N.S.W.

24. Sussan Ley …… (Liberal Party) ….. N.S.W.

25. Tony Pasin ….. (Liberal Party) ….. S.A.

26. James Stevens ….. (Liberal Party …… S.A.

27. Ross Vasta …… (LNP) ….. Queensland

28. Keith Wolahan …… (Liberal Party …… Victoria

29. Darren Chester …… (National Party) …… Victoria

30. Gareth Hamilton ……. (LNP) ……. Queensland

31. David Littleproud …… (LNP) …… Queensland

32. Gavin Pearce …… (Liberal Party) …… Tasmania

33. Michael Sukkar …… (Liberal Party) …… Victoria

34. Aaron Violi …… (Liberal Party) …… Victoria

35. Jason Wood …… (Liberal Party) …….Victoria

36. David Coleman …… (Liberal Party) ……N.S.W.

37. Andrew Hastie ….. (Liberal Party) …… W.A.

38. Nola Marino ….. (Liberal Party) ….. W.A.

39. Henry Pike ….. (LNP) ….. Queensland

40. Angus Taylor ….. (Liberal Party) …… N.S.W.

41. Andrew Wallace ….. (LNP) ….. Queensland

42. Terry Young ….. (LNP) ….. Queensland

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