Black entitlement to crime under UN Labor policies –

Black entitlement to crime under UN Labor policies –

Victoria cops had no problem cleaning up the streets of unarmed, harmless Covid protesters using armoured cars and assault weapons. Why is it so hard for Queensland police to clean up a bunch of Townsville kids with pocket knives and popguns?

By Lyndesy Symonds

Only on planet ‘Failed Marxist State’ are the police NOT an effective deterrent to juvy crime. Any police force that is tasked to be effective can clean up juvy crime in less than a week.

Only when crime is being enabled and supported by the communist state do we have to pretend that the poor police [who are just trying to their job] are at a complete at a loss when it comes to juvies running amok with machetes and stolen cars.

This mob of para-military private police firing on unarmed Covid protesters would have no trouble cleaning up a bunch of juvenile car thieves and home invaders provided they can shoot straight

Look how effective they were during the Corona Baloney Hoax when Operation CoVID Shield tasked the police with rounding and beating up on Whites en masse who protested, wouldn’t socially distance, mask, quarantine etc. They had APCs out on the street and EMP weapons.

Blacks out in force protesting for BLM (of course) got a pass from the courts to hold marches and rallies. The SARS MERS nouvelle cov2 Bull Shit pandemic virus of 2020 doesn’t affect them – so they are good to go out and march for BLM.

And they get a pass because they have a sacred Marxist oppression narrative and a forward seat on the holoco$t bus which busses them into these urban jobs.

Only under rigorous Marxist subversion do we hear the refrain of the bleeding hearts in fear and torment lest a precious BIPOC or Black / Indigenous who is ENTITLED to crime might get hurt (horror upon horrors) if a victim of crime whose business is to be ram raided and looted or whose house is to be invaded or whose car is being jacked might (OH NO!!!) retaliate and injure the precious Black.

And the victims here will be in LARGE majority White – so these are race crimes against the White community – being upheld by the communist state.

The sistema of the Marxist state is crime, chaos and corruption. These muntz are Gook aggressors and enforcers of the communist state against the majority White population of Townsville.

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