BRET Weinstein, an evolutionary biologist, was not well known in US and global patriotic circles who have gravitated around Alex Jones since the late 1990s. He would have likely been dismissed by many in this community as an archetypal Jewish liberal academic living in the US Pacific north west.
But Weinstein was made of more substance than many holding those stereotypical views would have given him credit for. Weinstein faced two major crises in his life, which awakened him to the crisis facing America and western civilization generally.
The first was being hounded out of his professorial position at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington State, from 2002 until 2017, over demands by leftist radicals to enforce diversity, equity and inclusion ideology. The second was the “covid19 pandemic” and his realisation as a biologist that the narrative around covid was very seriously flawed.
Weinstein and his wife Heather Heying, also a biologist at Evergreen, sued the university and eventually left with a payout of $250,000 each. Their next step, after raising their case as far as the US Congress, was into the world of podcasting and Weinstein became known as a leading figure in the so-called intellectual dark web. It was here that he encountered the massive covid con job, especially around vaccines, which he generally supported.
Weinstein’s YouTube-based podcast was called Darkhorse, and he and his wife pulled in various other academics and prominent doctors like Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough and Robert Malone who found themselves shunned by the medical establishment and media because of their questioning of the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines.
During one livestream Weinstein took ivermectin and announced that both he and his wife had not been vaccinated because of their fears concerning covid19 vaccines. YouTube then demonetized the couple’s channels in response to their claims about ivermectin, forcing the couple on to the video sharing platform Odysee.
However, despite the best efforts of the establishment to cancel this academic couple, Weinstein’s livestreams and podcasts spread in popularity, gaining attention and interviews by alternative media heavyweights like Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson and now, Alex Jones. These all in turn have channels on Elon Musk’s X, formerly Twitter.
Jones and Weinstein agreed on much during the interview and both said they had been encouraged by the rise of the truly alternate media in the face of a global enemy that Weinstein likened to the biblical giant Goliath – dangerous and destructive but not particularly intelligent. He made the case that what happened at Evergreen College was symptomatic of a broader attack on western civilization.
When he eventually testified before the Congress he told them “it’s not a free speech crisis and it’s not about college campuses – it’s simply the first place you’re seeing it – this is somehow an attack on western civilization, and the wrong-headed ideas, when you see them in the classroom, become dangerous when they migrate out into civilization and they take over … literally everything because almost all the most important jobs in civilization are done by people who have passed through these colleges and were ideologically captured as they went through,” he said.
“There’s no question that those wrong-headed ideas are going to destroy everything that functions if we don’t get our wits about us quickly, and even then you’re talking about a problem that’s going to take a couple of generations to correct. Even if we do everything right today, we have to clear the people who are so confused about the way mathematics and biology work and we have to put people in important positions, who know what’s going on, but given the complete collapse of the university system there isn’t an obvious source for those clear-headed people.”
In Weinstein’s estimation the globalist power bloc is “clever enough to wreck the systems that work but they are far from clever enough to rebuild something in their wake, so I think they are heading us for disaster and they are going to discover how much hubris has been driving them, when it’s too late for them. I think we have no choice but to rescue western civilization … because your children, my children are depending on us to do it.”