EU to jail anyone spending more than €1000 –

EU to jail anyone spending more than €1000 –

BRICS members

From Coin Telegraph

Meanwhile the US is going bankrupt.

Yes indeed, – possibly the West’s most stupid blunder was its seizure of billions of dollars of Russian assets. This has now irreversibly changed the World’s perception of Western financial institutions as a safe jurisdiction to store a nation’s money. The confidence has now been utterly destroyed and it won’t come back.

Because of the West’s equally suicidal removal of Russia from SWIFT, this again has forced the BRICS countries to introduce their own international payment transaction system.

Unbeknown to most people is the rarely discussed ‘Project M-Bridge,’ which is already in situ and ready to run. This particular and highly innovative financial hub, allows individual BRICS nations to retain their independent national currencies and currency values, but at the same time, permits anyone to convert their national currency into their national CBDC, which can then be easily converted into another member currency CBDC, at which point, the foreign CBDC can then be further converted into the foreign cash currency. All local currency valuations are automatically converted via the Project M-Bridge transaction hub, which allows free movement of national capital within the member states.

At the same, anyone following the benchmark measure of stock market value to GDP value, can see that the American market value is now running at 175% above GDP [this extends to the interconnected Western financial system]. In a truly healthy economy, the two valuations should remain roughly on par, and should never be so massively disjointed, so when these are realigned, as they eventually will, it will be the market index value that will fall by around 70%, or more properly 90% from the present valuation levels. It will not be the GDP rising to match the current index valuation.

This massive disconnection between the index value and GDP value is due to the FED’s disastrous programme of money loosening (QE), which has inflated the stock market to obscene bubble proportions, which are now completely disconnected from the true underlying value of the companies as reflected in the GDP. Hence the urgent need for the Great Financial Reset within the Anglo-Saxon sphere.

Its largely due to the West’s irresponsible seizure of Russia’s offshore assets, that BRICS nations no longer trust Western financial institutions and are no longer buying U.S. debt (treasuries), so the U.S. is now forced to issue and buy its own debt: this is the precise definition of a Banana Republic.

All of this means one thing for the West, notably, the ongoing collapse of their currencies remaining 2% of purchasing value, the associated ongoing increase in inflation and rising costs of living, the inevitable uprising of the people [e.g. European farmers], and the increase in defensive totalitarianism from their failed Socialist Governments.

In regards to the latter, I often return to this interview from last year, when someone pretends to be Zelensky [note the ridiculing farting!], – which Christine Lagarde fell for!. But listen to Lagarde’s admission, – that in contemporary Europe anyone can be ‘put in prison’ (the gulag) for spending more than E1000 of their own cash!, – please let that sink in, – this is not a future scenario, – but the current reality. She also admits, that with the introduction of the Euro CBDC, they are planning on lowering the spending limit to E300, – any more and you could end up in the gulag.

At the same time they intend to outlaw independent digital currencies such as Bitcoin, this is all to protect their failed and collapsing European Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics (EUSSR). Europe broke its own Socialist State in 2014 by lowering interest rates to below zero, that was the point of no return, so like America, the drunks in charge bankrupted Europe, then chose to save their own necks by trying to shift the blame on the Putin.

Compare this EUSSR cash control and upcoming CBDC capital control with the BRICS upcoming Project M-Bridge freedom of capital movement. Anyone notice the ongoing geographic reversal trend of former State models?

Enjoy the show.

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