Famed Drag Personality Accused of Using Bookstore to Censor Christian Messaging | The Gateway Pundit

Famed Drag Personality Accused of Using Bookstore to Censor Christian Messaging | The Gateway Pundit
Christian author-actor Kirk Cameron is calling on Christians across America to participate in the "See You at the Library" event on Aug. 5, promoting the reading of books of virtue and valuable family time at local public libraries.
Christian Author-actor Kirk Cameron (BRAVE Publishing / Youtube screenshot)

This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Promotes LGBT authors, but bans those by Christian or conservative writers

Kirk Cameron, an American actor and producer, also for years has been involved in the Christian ministry called “Way of the Master.”

In recent times, he’s actively battled the leftist ideologies of American libraries. In respond to their campaigns to promote “drag queen story hours” where pro-LGBT indoctrination is delivered to children, he’s come out with his own children’s books, and story hours to read to them.

As a result he’s had countless battles with librarians who want to suppress is family-oriented messaging.

They always claim that they want children to have open and free access to all materials, so they themselves can decide what they would choose. And their campaign is one that suggests Cameron wants to suppress THEIR messaging.

Now, Cameron, in a commentary at the Washington Times, has pointed out that RuPaul Andre Charles, aka RuPaul, a drag queen billed by fans as “easily the world’s most famous drag queen” and recipient of multiple awards from organizations like GLAAD, Critic’s Choice and Billboard, actually is running a censorship operation at his own bookstore.

Cameron writes, “Inclusivity, as defined by the ‘woke’ left, demands embracing radical, degenerate theories about gender and sex while flatly excluding traditional, family friendly and above all Christian ideas about sexuality. In other words, you can’t be too accepting of opposing views, because that wouldn’t be inclusive.”

He continues, “The best recent example of this twisted logic is presented to us courtesy of an unexpected source: drag queen RuPaul and his ‘bookstore for all stories.’ An ‘all-inclusive world of book lovers,’ Allstora proudly touts its LGBTQ, female and ‘underrepresented’ authors, plus a curated collection of so-called banned books handpicked by RuPaul himself. But the bookstore’s mainstay claim to inclusivity would quickly be tested.”

Cameron explained, “You see, while the online site purported to support ‘all’ books, it didn’t mean those published by Brave Books or other Christian or conservative titles. God forbid readers find wholesome stories at an ‘all-inclusive’ bookstore.”

He cited reporting from The Advocate, which explained Allstora was in a “whirlwind of criticism after it was revealed that the company was selling anti-LGBTQ+ books by right-wing authors.”

The company claimed to oppose censorship, then “quietly reversed itself before putting out a public apology.”

Cameron said, “It’s true. At first, this RuPaul-founded company tried to defend the presence of titles published by Brave Books — books for children penned by ‘right-wing’ authors such as myself, Kevin Sorbo, Riley Gaines and others — on its shelves. It didn’t take long for Allstora to realize, though, that ‘inclusivity’ does not include those who hold biological truths about gender — truths that were widely embraced for all of human history until about five minutes ago. People like us, with our antiquated views about masculinity and femininity, are gleefully spurned from the ‘all-inclusive’ table. We’re dismissed as hate-filled and radical.”

It was Allstora’s chief, Eric Cervini, who issued a statement that he had decided to include the books but he now is “horrified by the thought of a queer or trans youth accidentally stumbling upon a harmful book on our platform.”

The decision, he said, is that the store will not carry those books, in fact, censoring their messages.

Cameron wondered if anyone at the store “even cracked the cover of one of my apparently ‘abhorrent’ works. If they did, they would discover that contrary to what the trolls on social media say, they really are innocent, kid-safe, and for the most part nonpolitical.”

Second point from Cameron.

“The same ‘woke’ left that vehemently opposes ‘book bans’ on pornography and explicit materials in school libraries is suddenly all for banning books when they target kid-friendly titles that promote good values and truth. They want your children to read the first type; they’re afraid of the second.”

He said the leftist agenda is “about espousing an agenda and foisting a radical viewpoint about sexuality on children. The culture war for our children is heating up, and we must pick a side.”

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