Fired Hospital Worker Wins Payout in Flu Shot Civil Rights Case

Last Updated on January 2, 2024

A maintenance assistant formerly employed by the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta pediatric hospital who was fired for refusing to take a flu shot has won a settlement in a court case against his ex-employer, which must pay him $45,000 and change its vaccine mandate policies to accommodate religious exemptions. The case also impacts remote workers, with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta agreeing to stop enforcing flu shot mandates on those employees.

The religious discrimination case against Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, which alleged violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 relating to the hospital’s forcing of employees to take flu shots, despite their religious beliefs, was filed in federal court by the U.S. Equal Employ­ment Opportunity Commission, itself a creation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

According to a press release from the EEOC, announcing the settlement, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta “will pay $45,000 in monetary damages to the former employee.”

Additionally, the health system will “adjust its influenza vaccine religious exemption policy to pre­sume the exemption eligibility of employees with remote workstations or who otherwise work away from the presence of other employees or patients, and to protect the ability of such employees to seek alternative positions within CHOA if their religious exemption request is denied.”

Furthermore, the settlement decrees that the health system “train relevant employees on religious accommodation rights under Title VII,” the EEOC press release explains.

Though the settlement relates specifically to flu shots, not Covid jabs, it marks a big win for the wider groups of religious liberty and bodily autonomy advocates who’ve taken on government and employer-instated vaccine mandates for decades, reaching a pinnacle in recent years with the advent of deadly Covid shots.

Additionally, it’s important to note that, flu shots, like Covid jabs, have long been linked to serious adverse reactions up to and including death. Numerous experts have reported that Covid jab-style mRNA has been added to flu shots, and the pharmaceutical/medical industry is increasingly recommending that Americans be coadministered the flu and Covid jab, which is being peddled on TV by NFL player Travis Kelce.

The flu shot mandate win against Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta comes as multiple other court cases, mostly related to Covid jabs, have played out around the country in favor of pro-freedom plaintiffs who’ve lost their jobs, and in many cases their livelihoods, as a result of the mandates.

Among the most controversial jab mandates of the Covid era has been that of the United States military, which discharged over 8,000 troops who refused to accept the experimental shots that have resulted in unprecedented death worldwide.

Earlier this year, after much litigation and public pushback, the Department of Defense lifted its Covid jab mandate and allowed troops discharged for refusing the jab to re-enlist, though it has refused to grant them back pay. Reportedly, just over 40 of the more than 8,000 discharged troops, however, have returned to the military.

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