GOOD RIDDANCE: RINO Mitt Romney Gives Farewell Address on Senate Floor, Appears to Trash Trump (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

GOOD RIDDANCE: RINO Mitt Romney Gives Farewell Address on Senate Floor, Appears to Trash Trump (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit
GOOD RIDDANCE: RINO Mitt Romney Gives Farewell Address on Senate Floor, Appears to Trash Trump (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit
Mitt Romney Delivers farewell address on Senate Floor – December 4, 2024

Mitt Romney, who will be just as easily remembered by his weird Twitter pseudonym, Pierre Delecto, gave a farewell address on the Senate Floor Wednesday before leaving Washington and the government, hopefully for good. 

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Romney announced last year that he wouldn’t seek reelection following two failed Presidential campaigns and one term in the Senate.

This is the best thing Romney, 77, has done in his 30-year political career since his first failed run for Senate in 1994.

In his address, the career politician trashed those “who would tear at our unity and “replace love with hate,” likely aimed at President Trump.

Mitt Romney has trashed Trump and his supporters repeatedly over the years, and he surely wasn’t blaming the Democrats for causing division or pushing hate.

Romney even vowed to vote Democrat in the 2024 election over Trump and defended Biden earlier this year on his mental capacity and criminal mishandling of classified documents. Romney also criticized Special Counsel Robert Hur for investigating Biden’s classified document mishandling, calling his report on Biden “politically charged.”

Mitt Romney Defends Biden, Criticizes Special Counsel Hur in Comments to Liberal Media

He won’t be missed.

Watch Romney’s full Wednesday address below:

Romney: There are some today who would tear at our unity, who would replace love with hate, who deride our foundation of virtue, or who debase the values upon which the blessings of heaven depend.

Now, I’ve been in public service for 25 years. I have learned that politics alone cannot measure up to the challenges we face. A country’s character is a reflection not just of its elected officials, but also of its people.

I leave Washington to return to be one among them and hope to be a voice of unity and virtue, for it is only if the American people merit His benevolence that God will continue to Bless America. May he do so is My prayer.

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