Holmes a Court Teals and Climate 200 take aim at Queensland electorates – www.cairnsnews.org

Teals, allegedly federal independents it seems are indebted to Holmes a Court’s renewables company

By Jim O’Toole

The tricky Teals are chasing the federal Liberal seat of McPherson on the Gold Coast and the state seat of Noosa held by independent Sandy Bolton in an effort to undermine the Liberal National Party in Queensland.

Climate 200 founder Simon Holmes a Court

The Teals were spawned by WEF climate cultist and Perth millionaire Simon Holmes a Court who was left a fortune by his businessman father, Robert Holmes a Court. Simon Holmes a Court created Climate 200 to finance the Teals’ campaigns with more than just pocket money. His late father would be horrified with this Malthusian climate scam.

Holmes a Court did have an ulterior motive for helping Teals candidates as Sky News revealed during the 2022 election.

The Climate 200 website says it was established in the lead up to the 2019 federal election by a group of concerned Australians “who realised we cannot stand on the sidelines and let climate science denial and vested interests delay meaningful action on climate change.

“Our vision is for every government in Australia to adopt a science-based response to the climate crisis,” the site claims.

“Climate 200 is not a party. It does not start campaigns, select candidates, speak for candidates, dictate policies, or have members. We simply give strong community campaigns a leg up with funding and support.”

The media tries to portray the six women of the Teals as independents when in fact they have demonstrated they are defacto Labor Party members and supporters since being elected in 2022.

These woke women have done little to warrant their membership of the Canberra conservative club while their voting pattern in parliament has helped Labor enormously.

They are open feminists who believe in gender equality and are anything but conservative pushing hard with Labor and Greens to de-industrialise Australia, modelling it into some Green dystopia with 100 per cent wind and solar power, where everybody rides pushbikes carrying kids in backpacks and smokes dope.

CEO Byron Fay

How the MSM can portray this stereotype as conservative defies even the ABC’s twisted logic.

The Climate 200 website reveals a WEF, US Democrat-aligned strategy being woven by Executive Director Byron Fay, who helped strangle Australia with the Paris Climate Agreement under the confused Labor prime minister Malcolm Turnbull who thought he was a Liberal.

Alarmingly, Fay is an Oxford University graduate who worked for ‘crooked’ Joe Biden’s Political Action Committee during the 2020 presidential election inexorably tying him to the Australian Labor Party.  Biden has been PM Albanese’s pin-up boy since he took over the US presidency.

Fay is waving the indigenous flag in his spare time claiming to be a member of the Broken Bay Dharug nation but like most other wannabe murris his esoteric claim of being a member of a nation within a nation bears scrutiny.

Red flags should be raised throughout Queensland by voters who are sick and tired of the Labor/Liberal duopoly and the unlawful, selective two party preferred electoral system which ensures Tweedledum or Tweedledee stay in power leading the country down the WEF, UN, WHO track of de-industrialisation and de-population.

While TV-mesmerised Australians keep lurching from one electoral disaster to another, playing on their phones, and housewives, if there are any left, stay glued to mind-numbing television morning shows, nothing will ever change until these unintelligent people cannot afford green power to keep the TV on or charge their phones and EV’s, the banks withdraw cash from circulation then sell their homes through mortgage default.  Then they might start paying attention, but the horse has already bolted.

Simon Holmes à Court began his career as a software engineer in Silicon Valley during the first dotcom wave, then spent over a decade in precision farm water management. Holmes à Court was a driving force behind the country’s first community-owned wind farm, Hepburn Wind. He is an energy analyst, clean tech investor, climate philanthropist, and director of the Smart Energy Council and the Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network.

He is also the founder of Climate 200, the community crowdfunding initiative that rallied for climate, integrity and gender equity at the 2022 Federal election, helping to elect six new alleged independents to the Australian Parliament.

From Sky News 2022:

Businessman Simon Holmes a Court could benefit from commercial interests if independents, funded by his Climate 200 organisation, succeed at the Federal Election in over four weeks’ time.

The 49-year-old has financially invested in companies focused on decarbonisation and renewable energy technology, while the group donates $10 million to independents who have set higher emissions targets compared to the Coalition and Labor.

He and his family could make a profit out of a potential boom in clean energy, if Climate 200 successfully coerces the party in government to cut carbon emissions further and earlier than expected, an investigation by The Australian found.

Decarb Ventures – set up by Mr Holmes a Court in January – is set for local investment opportunities that he stated could not be provided under a Morrison Government.

He and his wife have a majority 91 per cent stake in the company, with the remaining nine per cent owned by his businesses associate Mitchell Hopwood.

Mr Hopwood set up corporation Climate Outcomes Foundation (COF) in April 2019, two days after Climate 200 was registered, and one month out from the 2019 election.

The publication alleged its only activity was channelling funds of at least $304,000 to Climate 200.

The organisation reportedly spent $500,000 on the 2019 Federal Election campaign to support independent candidates such as Kerryn Phelps, Rebekha Sharkie, Helen Haines, Oliver Yates, and Julia Banks.

Mr Hopwood formally closed the company two weeks before Decarb Ventures was registered this year and announced a fortnight later as one of the directors.

Mr Holmes a Court declined to name the source behind the $304,000 after requests by The Australian but added COF did provide some donations in 2019 and 2021.

He rubbished conflict of interest remarks over Climate 200-backed contenders at the election saying, “the funds were fully expended prior to making any donations to any candidates”.

The businessman will back 20 independents with 10,000 donations worth $10 million and claimed to have thrown in $200,000 of his own cash into the kitty.#

Climate 200 is filled to the top with failed politicians from Labor, the Liberal-left faction and independents appointed to their advisory council. Former Opposition leader John Hewson, always ready to jump onto UN inspired schemes is joined by once-sensible Labor Minister Barry Jones, Australian Democrats Meg Lees, Labor opportunists Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott and lastly former MP and AMA president Dr Kerryn Phelps who courageously spilled the beans on Covid vaccination injuries.

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