Hunter Biden Claims ‘Future of Democracy’ Depends on His Sobriety | The Gateway Pundit

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Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘I often do think of the profound consequences of failure here’

Hunter Biden has been a scandal that just keeps on giving for Joe Biden.

There were the millions of dollars he was given by Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, when Joe Biden was handling U.S.-Ukraine police for Barack Obama. And the scandal over how a prosecutor investigating the company was fired on Joe Biden’s orders.

Then there other payments from actual enemies of America overseas that came in to the family, apparently through channels run by Hunter Biden.

There were the scandalous drug- and booze-fueled events that appeared in a laptop computer Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop.

There were the unpaid taxes – millions of dollars. There was that episode where he claimed on a federal gun purchase form that he wasn’t addicted at the time of the buy, but then he later wrote in a book he WAS.

Now Hunter Biden has given an interview in which he, modestly, claims that the “future of democracy” depends on his … sobriety!

It is the New Yort Post that has outlined his extravagant claims.

“Well, at least he’s modest,” the report begins. “First son Hunter Biden said in a rare interview published Monday that him staying clean is vital because ‘I have something much bigger than even myself at stake.’”

He claimed, talking with Axios, that, “We are in the middle of a fight for the future of democracy.”

Democrats often have claimed that “democracy” is at stake in the 2024 presidential race which likely will be Joe Biden against President Donald Trump. Their claim then is that a Trump victory would be the “end” of democracy. And Hunter Biden apparently believes more scandalous behavior on his part would reflect poorly on Joe Biden.

However, Biden has issued executive orders, during his time in office so far, like an omnipotent, changing definitions of words and altering rules and regulations that, effectively, change the laws, without approval from Congress. He’s claimed to have “forgiven,” actually moved from borrowers’ shoulders to the taxpayers’, billions of dollars in student loans after the Supreme Court said he couldn’t.

Hunter Biden’s claim comes as the Supreme Court is considering whether the Biden administration’s collusion with social media companies to restrict opinions and speech about the 2020 election, on COVID, on vaccinations, and more, was legitimate, or a constitutional violation.

Hunter Biden claimed, “You have to believe that you’re worth the work, or you’ll never be able to get sober. But I often do think of the profound consequences of failure here.”

Hunter Biden continued, “Maybe it’s the ultimate test for a recovering addict — I don’t know. I have always been in awe of people who have stayed clean and sober through tragedies and obstacles few people ever face. They are my heroes, my inspiration.”

The White House repeatedly has excused Hunter Biden’s behaviors as the result of his addictions, trying to generate sympathy for apparently illegal actions, not condemnation.

The young Biden himself has used his addictions as a defense against federal indictments and a House impeachment investigation of his father.

He initially refused to comply with a House subpoena to testify on those issues, but later backtracked and promised to appear before the House at a transcribed interview.

Hunter Biden said he was “irresponsible with my finances” while under the influence.

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