Introducing “My Police State” –

Ross Cairns said – “We have a right to demonstrate because we live in a democracy…”


Quick, folks, guess which part Ross failed on?

It has to do with an utterly corrupt sold-out bought-&-paid-for foreign-owned AEC and the Globalist-owned COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CORPORATION fronted by hordes of TREASONOUS company employees masquerading as our “democratic government” who METICULOUSLY IGNORE the Australian public as they DILIGENTLY and RUTHLESSLY carry out the instructions of their foreign paymasters, together with the foreign-owned stenographer collectives marketing themselves as the “media”, not to mention the foreign-owned commercial corporations TRADING under the names of the respective “police services” of each Australian state and territory and fielding literal ARMIES of shit-for-brains Hired Mercenary Thugs to violently enforce the Globalist corporate policies on our country.

Did we mention the elderly grandmother DEMOCRATICALLY beaten down onto the pavement and sprayed square in the face with Mace by no less than TWO big tough brave shit-for-brains Hired Mercenary Thugs? Well who would have thought, there’s the photo of the congenitally retarded bash-artist mafioso IN THE ACT!

Not to mention the VIRAL video of the big burly fake “police officer” LITERALLY STRANGLING a defenceless unarmed young woman UP AGAINST A BRICK WALL for the CAPITAL CRIME of not wearing a COMPLETELY INEFFECTUAL AND POINTLESS FACE NAPPY in public.

Should we recall the UNPROVOKED ALL-OUT ASSAULT by a battalion of BODY-ARMOURED STORM TROOPERS against a crowd of peaceful unarmed defenceless “democratic protesters” at the Shrine of Remembrance, CHASED DOWN UNDER A BARRAGE OF RUBBER BULLETS?

And let’s not forget the TENS OF THOUSANDS of peaceful unarmed Australian men, women, children and babies COVERTLY IRRADIATED BY MILITARY GRADE DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS by the congenitally retarded and morally bankrupt UTTERLY TREASONOUS ARMY of shit-for-brains Hired Mercenary Thugs TRADING under the name of the “Australian Federal Police” in Canberra just a few short years ago.

Or are those memories, fresh in our minds as they still are, just a bridge too far, in this delusional fairy tale narrative where we still have rights because we “live in a democracy”?

We could go on. Who is protecting the “democratic” rights of the chickens and the bees and the pigs and the cows and the sheep and all those adorable mountain horsies, just BTW? And what about our beautiful rural landscapes being CARPETED with OBSCENELY EXPENSIVE DYSFUNCTIONALLY UNRELIABLE SOLAR FARMS and SELF-DESTRUCTING WIND TOWER MOONSCAPES while all the foundations for abundant reliable economically viable power are being RIPPED UP and DESTROYED? Seems that our “democracy” is rather more responsive to the dictates of a pack of GENOCIDAL FOREIGN BILLIONAIRE PSYCHOPATHS than to the will or consent of the Australian people.

But maybe those are issues for another time, you know, a time when WE’RE ALL OWNING NOTHING and BEING HAPPY as we’re all eating CRICKETS and STARVING and being systematically POISONED and CULLED in our 15 Minute Cities.

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