REPORTS coming out of Pennsylvania and other US states are painting a disturbing picture of voter intimidation and brazen fraud involving Harris-Walz operatives.
At one polling station in Pennsylvania, buses of non-English speaking people were guided past Americans who had been waiting in line for hours to cast their early votes. These people, all wearing Harris Walz stickers, were directed through the voting process by a handful of “translators”.
One voter observed one of the bussed-in voters being told their name was not showing up in the system, to which the “translator” responded, “Oh well then we’ll have to go back and change the name.”
At other polling stations, voters observed people wearing official-looking lanyards with “vote monitor” printed on them. When challenged one woman refused to provide documentation authorising her supposed vote monitoring position.
Long lines of voters were also being cut off early in the afternoon, allegedly because polling officials were unable to handle the workload.
Pennsylvania Republican Party official Val Biancaniello was taken away in handcuffs for telling voters at a polling place in Delaware County (Pennsylvania) to stay in line and vote. It was unclear if Biancaniello was booked and charged, The Gateway Pundit reported.
Biancaniello said Democrats were discouraging voters from in-person voting on Monday in Delaware County so she encouraged voters to stay in line. “I was just taken away in handcuffs at the Delaware County, Pennsylvania Government Center for encouraging people to stay in line and vote,” she said.
Meanwhile the Republican National Committee (RNC) has called on Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth, Al Schmidt, to ensure that every Pennsylvanian can vote unimpeded after reports of reports of widespread issues at polling sites across the state.
“With only eight days until Election Day, Pennsylvanians across the commonwealth deserve every option available to exercise their civic duty. But voters are being turned away, given faulty information, and told their ballots will not be counted. This is nothing short of voter suppression, and we demand immediate action to ensure every legal vote can be cast and counted properly,” RNC chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement.
The RNC media statement said there were numerous reports from Pennsylvania voters that computers were down, polling sites were closing early and not accepting any more voters, and mail ballots were not being counted.
The RNC said October 29 was the last day to request a mail-in ballot in person at a county election office. “No voter should be turned away, told an office is closing early, or told they cannot be accommodated if they appear during the posted business hours.”
Another issue arising in other states was burning of mail-in voting boxes in Oregon and Washington state, which are Antifa strongholds. One suspect has been arrested.