Freedom is coming astride a farm tractor: do not mess with European food producers. Reckless Renewables Rally in Canberra next week will send a message to the socialists of the ALP and Greens
Left-wing globalist governments from Italy to France are being targeted and whittled down by angry food producers across Europe upset over the implausible, fraudulent Net Zero and escalating diesel prices to name but a few of their grievances.
The Mr Nice Guy farmer image has dissipated as desperate family farmers take drastic action at the many large protests from country to country angry about the high cost and unavailability of essential nitrogenous fertilisers, massive environmental regulations that cannot be met, loss of farmland, high cost of living and the de-industrialisation of their countries through the absurd, unfeasible Net Zero CO2 target.
Tyres are burning in German streets and manure is being sprayed on parliament house, creating a volatile situation where workers and ordinary people have joined in street marches and endless lines of tractor and truck blockades with the Berlin CBD entangled in a gridlock for five days.
So far Dutch farmers with the help of ordinary citizens have managed to get rid of the Socialist Left-Greens government of former Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte and a similar Italian government was kicked out in 2023.
Look out French president Macron and German president Steinmeier, you will be next as the farmers and decent, loyal citizens come after you.
Germany’s president Frank-Walter Steinmeier called Monday for a broad “alliance against extremism” in the wake of a report about far-right discussions of deporting millions of immigrants that prompted protests by hundreds of thousands of people, mostly immigrants, similar to the Gaza-Israel protests in Australia where mainly imported Muslims and Jews are slugging it out on the streets of Sydney and Melbourne.
Australian Labor’s finessed, rent-a-vote legions are tearing themselves apart over Israel’s Islamic genocide and the destruction of Palestine.
Germany has seen more than two weeks of protests against the popular Alternative for Germany party and others on the right. The Interior Ministry said police figures suggest that some 576,000, largely immigrants, took part in demonstrations between Friday and Sunday.
The AfD was founded as a eurosceptic party in 2013 and first entered the German Bundestag, the national parliament, in 2017. Recent polling put the party in second place nationally with support of around 23%, far above the 10.3% of the vote it won during the last federal election in 2021.
Australia has not been missed by the globalists’ attempt to strangle food production through the green, depopulation policies of the UN and the World Economic Forum with which Australian Labor and Greens have inculcated the parliament and the public for more than a decade.
Finally Aussie food producers have caught on that something is amiss, as the Labor Green alliance starts to mess with their valuable farmland further diluting their freehold property rights.
Recently more than 100 western NSW farmers received compulsory resumption notices from NSW Labor to allow electricity companies construct thoroughfares for massive power line networks on their irreplaceable farmland, held for generations.
Federal and state Labor finally showed their hand forcing farmers to show theirs, in the form of the first planned ‘Reckless Renewables’ rally at Parliament House Canberra on February 6, 2024.
A full day of speakers drawn from the ranks of a handful of loyal politicians have been invited to speak about Net Zero and the de-industrialisation of Australia.
The simple solution to the food producers’ dilemma is to abandon the depopulating UN and WEF’s costly renewables policies and rejuvenate clean, coal fired power stations which is the only method of providing base load power for industry and the domestic market.
Most sensible people have seen through Labor’s CO2 scam and realise this natural gas that comprises just 0.04 per cent of the atmosphere is essential to sustain life on the planet. Could that be why Albanese was loudly booed at the Australian Tennis tournament in Melbourne earlier this week?
To do otherwise will ensure this country attains its ‘banana republic’ status sooner rather than later.
Editor: The ABC has covered some of these European protests carefully tailoring the narrative by claiming the protests were over “poor returns for farmers” which is just a part of the truth. Australian farmers are not expecting any assistance from the NFF which has morphed into another government department.