NSW power blackouts coming if you do not turn off your washing machine and lights – www.cairnsnews.org

The lights are out for Labor’s trifecta of Marxist wankers who think batteries will power NSW (Pic Skynews)

NSW Labor Premier Chris Minns has called on residents across the state not to turn on their pool filters, dishwashers or washing machines between 5pm and 8pm today, because brainless Bowen’s wind and solar power cannot keep up with demand.

Minns warned of blackouts amid temperatures soaring above 40C in parts of the state.

“We’ve been notified by AEMO that there are insufficient reserves in terms of generation available over the coming day,” he told reporters today.

Mr Minns revealed the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and the NSW government have pursued “proactive measures” to reduce energy demand from major users and significant utilities over the next 12 hours.

Labor Energy Minister Chris Bowen was attacked in federal parliament this afternoon about failing renewables but he assured the many interjectors that the storage batteries costing more than $100m each that can only operate for one to two hours would fix the problem.

The UN-WEF de-industrialisation of Australia has begun in earnest and industry cannot afford the dearest power in the world while Labor and the Greens are busy tearing down coal-fired power stations.

The UN Agenda 2021/2030 treaty for Sustainable Development Australia signed up to at Rio in 1992 has begun to bite industry which cannot compete on a level playing field with overseas competitors who have abundant cheap coal-fired power such as China.

Domestic consumers too are paying for the dearest electricity in the world, now face blackouts and shortages for a sub-standard supply.

The US is about to fire up its coal and shale oil reserves to produce cheap domestic and industrial power which will see its cost of production spiral downwards dramatically over the next decade.

Australia has been left strangled in their wake as the laughing stock of the world with Labor and Greens flip-flopping about their $800 billion renewables program. There are some very dumb people in Australia who keep voting for Labor, Greens and Teals.

The Liberals won’t embrace coal either preferring to pander to the big end of town promising nuclear power, frightened of upsetting the climate cultists.

Will the last person leaving NSW not bother to turn off the lights – they don’t work anyway.

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