Only 13% of Anglophone or Allophone Canadians have trust in the media

Quebecers had the highest trust in media by region at 21%, while the prairie provinces had the lowest at 12%.

These findings about the plummeting trust in media are from a new StatsCan report titled, “Percentage of the population who reported a high level of trust in the media and high level of confidence in institutions, by language spoken most often at home, 2023.”

Over two-thirds (68%) of Canadians struggling to make ends meet had low levels of trust in the news or information they received from the media. Another 22% had neutral levels of trust, and 10% had high levels

According to the data:

In general, levels of confidence in institutions were highest among those living in Quebec, where 36% had high confidence in institutions, and 21% had high trust in news or information from the media.

For confidence in institutions, the next highest provincial rates were the Prairie provinces (27%), Ontario (25%), British Columbia (24%) and the Atlantic provinces (23%).

For trust in media, the next highest provincial rates were the Atlantic provinces (15%), Ontario and British Columbia (13% each) and the Prairie provinces (12%).

People living in urban areas were more likely to report high confidence in institutions (28%) than their rural counterparts (24%), but they did not differ in their likelihood of reporting high trust in news and information from the media (15% for each group).

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