Orwell was right former ABC Chairman states, where is he when Australia needs him to sort out the corrupted ABC – www.cairnsnews.org

“George Orwell’s 1984 was only out by about 40 years. We are entering Orwell’s Oceania and we are rapidly learning newspeak,” former ABC Chairman Maurice Newman told the 2023 CPAC conference.

Maurice Newman is a former stockbroker, company director and chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and has been an advisor to several Australian governments. In September 2013 he was appointed chairman of the Tony Abbott-led Government’s Business Advisory Council.

He was chancellor of Macquarie University between 2002 and 2008 and was chairman of the public-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation from 2000 to 2004.

He is a board member of the Queensland Investment Corporation, a state government-owned company which in November 2013 had more than $74 billion of funds under its management.

Newman is a vocal opponent of wind farms and believes that the science of human-caused climate change is a “delusion.

Newman has stated repeatedly that the science of human-caused climate change is a smokescreen for vested interests. He believes that the scientists who take part in the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC) have fooled the world into believing climate change can be caused by humans. A “compliant media” has helped to foster the “myth” of climate change, according to Newman.

“The CSIRO, for example, has 27 scientists dedicated to climate change. It and the Weather Bureau have become global warming advocates. They continue to propagate the myth of anthropological climate change.”

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