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As biological males continue to intrude on female spaces, what was once considered to be parody is now becoming a reality. Rebel News reporter David Menzies has been covering the issue diligently, shining a light on numerous strange happenings in Canada.
On Wednesday night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, David filled in as host and looked at how the world has changed on the topic of what is — and isn’t — considered mental illness.
After looking at examples of how transgenders were portrayed in the past compared to the present, like Dylan Mulvaney’s recent music video, David said the goal appears to be “normalizing the abnormal”:
Even if you feel like puking, you will hold your nose and applaud. That’s because transgenderism is no longer about acceptance, but rather affirmation. And if you have a problem with that, you’ll pay a price via the woke cancel culture mob.
That’s why drag queen story time is such a big deal these days. That’s why Marvel and DC comics now have several transgender superhero characters — holy heartbreak, Batman.
But that’s the thing, it’s all about normalizing the abnormal beginning at the elementary school angle.