Pastor appears in court over trespass notice and fine for praying inside Calgary City Hall

Pastor appears in court over trespass notice and fine for praying inside Calgary City Hall

Derek Reimer is a pastor with Mission 7 Ministries in Calgary, Alberta, who is also known for protesting a children’s “Reading with Royalty” or “Drag Queen Story Hour” event at Seton Public Library on February 26 last year.

The video of the incident, which went viral online, shows parents physically and forcefully kicking Reimer out of a room after he attempted to speak to them about his concerns over the event from a biblical perspective. 

Rebel News has been covering the trials of those charged in relation to drag queen story hour protests in Calgary, which will resume in August of this year. To see our previous reports, and to contribute to Pastor Derek Reimer’s legal fund you can visit

On February 6, we were in court to cover another instance that saw Reimer collect a one year trespass notice and a $600 fine for simply praying with a group of people inside city hall.

There, Reimer attempted to pray inside the municipal building with friends two times, each time receiving pushback. He asked a security guard why he was not welcome, and the security proceeded to tell him it was due to the previous incident at Seton Library. 

Reimer felt these rejections were personal discrimination against his Christian values and his evangelical preaching, beliefs which oppose the concept of mixing children and adult performers in the same room. It doesn’t seem quite democratic that the mayor would only allow people into city hall if the individuals align with her views.

Calgary is also no stranger to arresting and discriminating against pastors. This trend has left many Christians feeling ostracized, wondering what happened to to freedom of religion in Canada.

While this was initially expected to be a two day court case, Reimer and his friends were taken by surprise when the judge quickly announced that his notice and fine had been dropped.

After his win in court, Reimer, along with a few others, went back to city hall to test this judgment. Following a short prayer, two peace officers on duty inside the building walked over to check what was going on. A peaceful exchange ensued, and the two gentlemen walked away — leaving Reimer and the others unbothered.

But his fight is not over. The charges stemming from the Seton Library incident will be tested in court in August, and Rebel News will be there to cover it. To help fund Pastor Derek Reimer’s legal defence, you can make a donation to The Democracy Fund, a registered Canadian charity that fights for civil liberties, at

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