Republican Turncoat Miles Taylor Tells MSNBC That if Trump is Reelected He Could ‘Turn Off the Internet’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

Do you remember Miles Taylor? He is the Republican who wrote anonymous pieces for the liberal media claiming he was the ‘anti-Trump resistance’ in the Trump White House, while working in the Department of Homeland Security.

This week, he appeared on MSNBC with former Biden spox Jen Psaki and pushed anti-Trump conspiracy theories, including the idea that if Trump is reelected, he could shut down the internet.

Of course, every president has this power in case of emergencies, but Taylor is suggesting that Trump would do it out of spite or in some authoritarian move. This is pure crazy talk, but Psaki laps it up, naturally.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

MILES TAYLOR, FMR. CHIEF OF STAFF, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY: The possibilities are almost limitless and I spent nearly two years asking that question to people. And I wrote it in this book “Blowback,” to try to paint that picture and understand what he would actually do by talking to all of my former colleagues at different departments and agencies under Trump and asking them that question, what would happen in a second term?

The biggest concerns for me are on the national security side. I think Americans still don’t understand the full extent of the president’s powers and things Donald Trump could do bubble-wrapped in legalese that would be damaging to the republic.

And one of those that I’ve noted, is there is something in the White House called the doomsday book. For the first time, DHS gave authorization for me to mention this publicly, and the fact there are concerns that that book, which is supposed to be used to protect the country in instances of armed foreign invasion or rebellion, it’s the president’s most extraordinary powers could be picked up by Trump and used for domestic political purposes. He could invoke powers we’ve never heard a president of the United States invoke potentially to shut down companies, or turn off the internet, or deploy the U.S. military on U.S. soil.

Watch the video below:

People like this are willing to believe anything about Trump, no matter how insane it sounds. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

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