The oxymoronic reality of ‘harm reduction’ and ‘safe supply’

Canadian cities and downtown cores are being besieged by escalating chaos and turmoil as the Liberals’ oxymoronic harm reduction and “safer” supply drug contradictory policy rages on.

Liberal MP and emergency department physician Marcus Powlowski addressed the health committee on the opioid epidemic in Canada on April 16, highlighting how downtown cores are out of control.

RCMP Deputy Commissioner Dwayne McDonald confirmed the chaos stirring in Canadian cities and stated that without public buy-in, the idea of safe consumption and safe supply can’t continue.

Meanwhile, Vancouver Police Deputy Chief Fiona Wilson says that concerns with public consumption were disclosed before Heath Canada granted British Columbia a pilot project exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, allowing for the decriminalization of illicit substances. The province is now scrambling to backpedal, implementing additional public protections as police concerns have been realized, Wilson explains.

Another Liberal MP and doctor, Brendan Hanley, former chief medical officer of health in Whitehorse, further validated public safety concerns expressed by McDonald and Powlowski. In response, Wilson further details what the exemption pilot project in British Columbia means on a policing level.

“The public has significant concerns about problematic drug use,” Wilson explains. “When that happens, if it’s not in a place that’s an exception to the exemption, there’s nothing police can do.

It’s not a police matter in the absence of other criminal behaviour. If you have somebody who’s with their family at the beach and there’s a person next to them smoking crack-cocaine, it’s not a police matter, because a beach currently is not an exception to the exemption.

Conservative MP Laila Goodridge filed a motion in committee study to bring forward various bureaucrats to question them about drug decriminalization initiatives happening primarily in British Columbia, which was ultimately adjourned for debate.

Addictions specialist Nathaniel Day discussed the disturbingly small amounts of these illicit substances needed to cause extreme damage.

“Hydromorphone is extremely potent and could kill a person with no trouble if they don’t have opioid tolerance. When we look at fentanyl which is 50x more potent than morphine, and then you look at the number of grams that a person could hold that’s certainly an amount that could easily kill one or more people,” Day shares.

This discussion comes as data and governmental review prove that the $1 billion federal Liberal program geared toward reducing the harm of substance use on families, individuals and communities has yielded no tangible results and instead coincides with a rise in overdose deaths and drug use.

On a national level, Canada has seen a doubling in overdose deaths while British Columbia, known as the provincial poster child for so-called safer illicit drug supply under the guise of harm reduction, bears the weight of failed Liberal policy.

The Canadian Medical Association Journal discovered that opioids are one of the leading causes of death in Canada for young adults, with one in four attributed to this heinous policy failure.

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