Thousands of simultaneous public comments on the Covid Royal Commission inquiry broadcast, demand immediate action by Albanese –

Thousands of simultaneous public comments on the Covid Royal Commission inquiry broadcast, demand immediate action by Albanese –

Key stakeholders have universally supported establishing a COVID Royal Commission with a minimum of three Commissioners while many slam the Prime Minister’s COVID review panel as a toothless tiger. 

An expert on Royal Commissions in Australia and the UK, *Dr Scott Prasser was adamant that due to the critical public demand for an immediate inquiry into all aspects of the Covid responses, at least three Commissioners representing relevant disciplines were needed to instill public confidence in government and the inquiry.

Dr Scott Prasser adamant that a Covid Royal Commission have a minimum of three Commissioners

Doctors, unions, human rights lawyers, vaccine injured and Royal Commission experts were among the witnesses to give evidence at a Senate inquiry tasked with proposing terms of reference for a future COVID Royal Commission as pressure mounts on the Albanese Government. 

In a rarity for parliamentary inquiries, every single witness was united in their support for an expansive, fully empowered Royal Commission into the Federal and State Governments’ response to COVID. 

Senator Malcolm Roberts who established the Senate inquiry said the evidence heard on Thursday meant it was only a matter of time before the Prime Minister’s hand was forced. 

“The largest government economic and health response in the wake of COVID deserves a fully empowered Royal Commission,” Senator Roberts said.

“Nearly four years on from the start of COVID-19 Australians still don’t have answers about why Government took some of the most draconian measures in Australian history. 

“Anthony Albanese’s COVID review panel is made up of insiders who vocally supported the harshest lockdowns in the world. It’s a toothless tiger made to whitewash everything the Federal government did while turning a blind eye to anything State governments did. 

“The Albanese Government took less than three months to call its first Royal Commission. With the Government’s second anniversary approaching without a COVID Royal Commission Australians are asking the Prime Minister, what have you got to hide? 

Barrister and lead author of the people’s Proposed Terms of Reference Julian Gillespie, was supported by nearly 47,000 signatures on the document

“Only a Royal Commission can answer why government had vaccine mandates for a vaccine that didn’t stop transmission, secret health advice that was never published, established plans for pandemic response that were ignored and the longest lockdowns in the world called over a virus as severe as some flues. 

“We cannot afford to make the same mistakes again. Anthony Albanese must call this Royal Commission so we can get to the bottom of it all.” 

*Dr Scott Prasser has worked in federal and state governments in senior policy and research positions including secondments to federal and state ministerial offices. 

Most recently, between 2013-2019, Dr Prasser was senior adviser to three federal Cabinet Ministers covering areas of education, regional development and health. 

In the Queensland Public Service, he led branches covering social policy, tourism, industry strategies, science and technology and international collaborations across departments of Welfare Services, Tourism, Small Business and Industry, State Development and Premier and Cabinet.

As an academic Dr Prasser has worked in five universities across four states and territories, the last at professorial level. He published and commented widely on: state and federal politics with his work on royal commissions and public inquires being especially acknowledged for its expertise and knowledge.

He holds the following qualifications: 

  • Bachelor of Arts majoring in history, politics and economics – University of Queensland
  • Master of Public Administration – University of Queensland
  • Doctorate – Griffith University 

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