Transgender pedophile who made toddler porn gets charges dropped after latest arrest

Transgender pedophile who made toddler porn gets charges dropped after latest arrest

Edmonton Police Services issued a public warning on Friday, cautioning citizens about the release of an extremely predatory and violent sexual offender whom they believe poses a risk of “committing a sexual offence against a child under the age of 16.”

Laverne Waskahat, 47, a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman, and who has a history of using infants to make and publish child pornography, was released last Monday after serving a 5-week stint in custody for a breach of conditions.

Just a mere two days after Waskahat had been released after serving time for offences that involved accessing child porn with diapers, Waskahat was re-arrested on December 13 due to being “unlawfully at large”.

After Waskahat failed to check in with a parole officer, Edmonton police located “her” in a West Edmonton hotel room with a crib, collection of diapers, and allegedly pornographic drawings. A laptop was also located in the room, despite part of Waskahat’s conditions including a lifetime ban from going on the internet and being restricted from owning or operating a computer.

According to Edmonton Police, “Waskahat has been known to offend against the children while in a position of care over the child (e.g. while babysitting) and has also been known to take voyeuristic photos in public of infants.”

Despite Waskahat’s disturbing criminal history, the charges related to the December 13 arrest have since been dropped.

“In this case, the Crown prosecutor’s ongoing assessment of the file determined there was no reasonable likelihood of conviction and as such, the matter was withdrawn,” Alberta Crown Prosecution Service spokesperson Michelle Davio stated in an email response published in the Edmonton Journal. Davio added that Waskahat “is subject to a long-term supervision order.”

State-backed media often gives the false impression that violent offences committed by women are on the rise by failing to communicate to the public when a victim identifies as a transgender person. But Rebel News doesn’t back down from keeping you informed. If you appreciate the independent journalism we bring you, consider donating what you can to help cover costs for our reports here.

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