Trudeau feigns ignorance over former Nazi soldier’s invite to Parliament

Trudeau feigns ignorance over former Nazi soldier’s invite to Parliament

Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau feigned ignorance after massive backlash over the standing ovation former Nazi SS soldier Yaroslav Hunka received in the House of Commons last year.

But we know through our exclusive investigation that Trudeau had no problem inviting him to another event, and even Liberals are breaking ranks now to denounce the repeatedly scandalous conduct of this government.

It was through our exclusive investigation and your generosity at that we were able to bring you this breaking story, that has since been picked up by mainstream media like the Globe and Mail, who didn’t source us at all. Although, credit where it is due, CBC did credit us as having broke the story through this access to information investigation.

This all started on September 22, 2023 when 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka was honoured in Parliament as a hero for fighting the Russians during WWll, which, as history would have it, means that he fought on the side of the Nazis. The former Nazi soldier was cheered with a standing ovation during Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s visit.

The disaster saw House Speaker Anthony Rota as Trudeau’s fall guy. He apologized and resigned amid the controversy as Trudeau feigned ignorance and blamed Rota for the invitation.

But Rebel News obtained the actual invitation which came from the prime minister directly, sent to Hunka on September 19, 2023:

Dear Yaroslav Hunka, The right honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, is pleased to invite you to a special event.

The event will take place on Friday, September 22, 2023 at 8:30 p.m. in Toronto, Ontario.

Please confirm your attendance by replying to this email by noon on Wednesday, September 20, 2023.

Once we receive confirmation of your attendance, the formal invitation will be issued, including detailed information regarding registration and access.

According to the Office of the Prime Minister (PMO), Hunka did not attend the event, which was a reception with Zelenskyy and his wife. It’s telling that he was honoured in Parliament earlier that day.

Not only did the PMO know of Rota’s attendance, but they invited him to a separate event on the very same day.

And to add insult to injury, Hunka’s family had taken to social media and even went so far as to post a photo of him waiting in the reception hall for Trudeau and Zelenskyy.

He also held hands with Rota in at least one photo.

Liberal organizer Jake Landau broke the ranks and shared his reaction on CBC earlier this week. While he falls short of giving Rebel News credit for that access to information request and subsequent breaking story, Landau does go on to push for accountability over this scandal.

Meanwhile, Russian President Putin used this embarrassment as a talking point in his interview with Tucker Carlson last night. 

It’s fair to say that dignity in this government went out the window long ago and one would think this would be the nail in the coffin after repeated scandalous and unethical conduct by the Justin Trudeau Liberals, but thanks to the fringe minority government coalition between them and the NDP, the clown show continues.

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