TRUE COLORS: Javier Milei Betrays Populist Agenda on Day 1

TRUE COLORS: Javier Milei Betrays Populist Agenda on Day 1

Last Updated on December 12, 2023

Newly-inaugurated Argentine President Javier Milei betrayed the populist agenda that got him elected on his very first day in office, as he announced that Argentina will not be leaving the Paris Climate Accord – something Milei vowed to do during the campaign as he called climate change a hoax that’s being promoted by globalists.

Immediately after his inauguration as President of Argentina, Javier Milei sent “veteran climate diplomat” Marcia Levaggi to the UN’s COP28 climate summit in Dubai, to quell fears among the global elite and assure them that Milei won’t follow through with his promise to withdraw Argentina from the Paris Climate Accord.

The broken promise comes as Milei is both praised and derided as a right-wing populist and Trump-like figure who disrupted decades of left-wing rule in his home nation.

It also came on the same day that Milei released a video of himself announcing the end of multiple government ministries and taxpayer-funded left-wing pet projects.

It’s worth noting, however, that despite the Milei-Trump comparisons, as President of the United States, Trump actually followed through with his own campaign promise to pull the United States out of the Accord, and called the decision a “historic restoration of American economic independence.”

Is Javier Milei a World Economic Forum Sleeper Soldier? 

Central to the Paris Climate Accord is a pledge to massively reduce carbon emissions by abandoning so-called fossil fuels and the other mechanisms that power developed nations.

With the Accord long endorsed by the World Economic Forum and other globalist organizations, the climate treaty has been criticized for years as a population control scheme that will eventually demand the reduction of human-produced carbon, once the goal of limiting other carbon emissions is reached.

Under the Accord, Western nations, like the United States, must agree to massively cutting all carbon emissions down to “net zero,” while nations like Communist China are expected to do far less, in what is quite obviously a plan to cripple the Western World and pivot global production and influence sharply toward China.

The World Economic Forum’s backing of the Paris Climate Accord becomes all the more interesting when it is realized that before running for President of Argentina, Javier Milei was affiliated with the WEF, even attending its Forum on Latin America in 2014, as the globalist organization made a heavy push into Latin America that continues to this day.

Read More: Argentina’s ‘Outsider’ President-elect Tied to WEF


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