TOMMY Robinson has been jailed for 18 months by Woolwich Crown Court after he admitted to being in contempt of court by showing his documentary “Silenced” about a Syrian refugee schoolboy who became the “star” of a massive UK establishment false flag “anti-racism” uproar.
The French word claque best describes the situation, a claque being an organized body of professional applauders in French theatres and opera houses called “claquers” . In this case the claquers were the media, UK Islamic community leaders, the UK government, NGOs and various observers worldwide.
Robinson, aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, admitted on Monday to “breaching UK court rules 10 times”. Robinson was targeted by a team of Metropolitan Police during a rally in July after “a complaint” was made over the public screening of Silenced, that can still be seen on X. It was released in May 2023.
Last week Robinson was also charged at Folkestone Police Station under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act for failing to provide the pin number of his phone. He will face court on those charges on November 13th at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.
According to mainstream media reports Robinson’s contempt charges were in relation to him “repeating false allegations” that caused him to lose a libel suit in 2021 relating to a Syrian schoolboy who was attacked in an incident shared widely on social media.
Courts and police, backed by media, have been caught lying about Robinson’s so-called false allegations by multiple testimonies on videos of former teachers and students covertly and openly recorded by Robinson and shown on his Silenced documentary.
In 2018, video emerged showing the 15-year-old boy, Jamal Hijazi from Syria, who was attending a school in Almondbury, near Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, being grabbed in the schoolyard by another 16-year-old student Trevor Bailey. Hijazi was pushed to the ground and doused in water from a bottle.
A former teacher said Hijazi had threatened to rape Bailey’s younger sisters. Hijazi had made a complaint that he was being bullied by students for being a Muslim.
The attack was widely broadcast on mainstream media as an outrageous act of racist bullying. Police were called and charged the assailant with assault. An online fundraising page set up to help the Syrian teenager and his family raised more than £50,000.
When “the story” broke, various Islamic representatives from traveled to the village and gathered outside the school with media, claiming the incident was worthy of global condemnation. “Within hours the race-hate brigade was sharpening their blades,” Robinson says in the documentary.
Robinson, who has been campaigning against open-border immigration and violence in northern England involving Islamic grooming gangs, decided to personally investigate the incident and discovered that the boy in fact had dozens of recorded misbehaviour incidents.
Robinson posted his own response to his one million Facebook followers outlining what he had discovered about Hijazi, most notably his often violent misbehaviour, calling female teachers “bitches” and in the words of one female teacher, being “rude, nasty, obnoxious with no respect for ladies or girls and who expected everyone to bow down to him”. One of his female classmates, Charly Matthews, told Robinson on video she was hit over her back by Hijazi with a hockey stick.
Robinson calls the incident as reported by media “the great lie”, because what was essentially a schoolyard incident (shown on the documentary) was turned into an international story alleging a “waterboarding attack involving a racist English youth against a helpless Syrian refugee”.
Robinson’s airing of his initial findings on Facebook led to the family of the Syrian boy launching a libel action in court resulting in him having to pay £100,000 ($200,000) in damages plus legal costs of more than £1.6 million that sent him bankrupt. The head teacher of the school was forced to resign from teaching permanently.
Robinson was unable to present witnesses to the court because they had been paid by the school authorities to not speak out. Other people were scared of being targeted by Islamic gangs, leaving Robinson to rely on second-hand testimony that was dismissed by a High Court judge as hearsay.
Robinson however, decided that the actual facts behind the incident were so compelling that he would make a documentary on it. He borrowed spy cameras from an investigator to record the testimonies of various local people including school staff. These can be seen on the documentary. The court later issued an injunction banning screening of the documentary.
Robinson admits he “felt quite dirty” doing covert recordings but had no choice in order to prove the veracity of his information. The head teacher of the school tells Robinson in the documentary: “I’ve got a problem here. I lost my job over this and as a result of this I’ve been told by the council (Kirklees Metropolitan Borough) that I cannot speak to anybody, ever about it.”
He explained that he dealt with the incident between the two boys but when Ofsted (school inspection authorities) arrived on the scene Trevor Bailey (the assailant) “wasn’t there any more”. The teacher signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement so he can continue to get a pension.
The teacher said it was a tragedy for Bailey, who he described as reasonably promising student, and he doubted the incident would to anything good for Jamal except providing “a few silver coins from Judas”.
A probation officer and former teacher told Robinson there was no racism problem at the school and the same thing would have happened to Hijazi regardless of his colour. He had also signed an NDA and was in danger of losing his job if he spoke out. He later confessed he was paid £18,000 as part of the NDA.
A freedom of information request later submitted by Robinson and his backers with a legal threat attached found the council had paid more than £274,000 in NDA payments to various people.
These facts were simply brushed aside by media including the so-called international fact-checking organisation Logically Facts (LF), which has 30 journalist contributors from the UK, the EU and India and is based in Ireland.
LF contributor Sam Doak (Sky News UK) claimed in a 2023 fact-check on Silenced that “recordings collected by Robinson are not the smoking gun he appears to believe. While some of the individuals that appear on-screen appear to agree with Robinson’s characterization of Hijazi, these hearsay accounts were disregarded when he attempted to rely on them in court, with the presiding judge noting issues that include Robinson’s use of leading questions and prompting from an unidentified third party.”
It’s not difficult for a judge to pick holes in testimony if he/she wants to. But given the consistency and clarity of the multiple recorded testimonies provided by Robinson in his documentary, it’s clear that the judge did not take an objective stance on the character of Jamal Hijazi in the 2021 trial.
The slimy little fact-checker does his best to spin a report appealing to the court’s authority. Doak notes that “Robinson relies heavily on testimony provided by a schoolmate of Hijazi, who claimed he assaulted her with a hockey stick” but “this supposed evidence has been tested in court” and was found by the judge to have “inconsistencies” . He also noted that accounts provided by “purported witnesses” did not align with written records kept by the school.
When compared against the evidence of the recorded testimonies, the judge clearly reveals his cowardly bias in his stunning conclusion, as reported by Doak: “People can lie for reasons that make no sense; sometimes for no reason at all. I am quite satisfied that the evidence of both Charly Matthews and OTP about the hockey stick incident is false.”
In fact school records uncovered by Robinson revealed dozens of misbehaviour reports for Hijazi. One “rap sheet” contained 14 incidents, one categorized as “insolence”, where he repeatedly lied to teachers about being “given permission” to take his English class off. Other incidents included truancy, time out sessions, throwing a book and pens, hitting a student – just a generally troublesome student.
But the judge in the libel trial suggested several former teachers including the head teacher, students and others who knew the boy were all lying. Now we know. Teachers and their students are more than likely to be serial liars, but judges and fact-checking journalists are always purveyors of pure truth. Excuse the sarcasm.
What legal action can set this horribly distorted court record straight in this case is unknown at this stage. Rebel News has set up a legal fund-raiser for Robinson, but in the meantime, it’s jail time where he could be “accidentally” exposed to the very Islamic gangs he fought against for years.
At Monday’s sentencing hearing, a judge at London’s Woolwich Crown Court said Robinson breached court rules by publishing “Silenced,” on social media in which “he repeated the libelous allegations”. He also played the film publicly in London’s Trafalgar Square at a rally of his supporters and repeated the allegations in published interviews, the judge said.