WAYNE ROOT: Democrats Will Try to Steal This Election. But If My Prediction of a Trump Landslide is Correct, If It Is “Too Big to Rig,” Pay Attention to What They Have Planned Next. | The Gateway Pundit

By Wayne Allyn Root

I have fantastic news and terrible news.

The great news is, I predict (and believe in my gut) we will win this election. And it won’t be close. It’s going to be a Trump electoral landslide- with a sweep, or close to a sweep of swing states.

But will it look like a landslide? Democrats cheat big. The question is how big?

First, lets go back to my presidential election prediction in 2016. I was President Trump’s opening speaker on October 30th at his last Las Vegas rally before the election. When he saw me backstage after my speech, he asked me, “Wayne, the election is only a week away, you’re the Vegas oddsmaker, what’s your prediction?”

I responded to Trump, “You’re going to win in a 10-point landslide, but Democrats cheat 10, so it will look like a razor thin victory. But you’re the winner!”

Trump loved that prediction. He laughed and smiled. Then he said, “I’m going to win by 10, but they cheat 10, that’s a classic. I love it.”

My prediction was “on the money.” That’s exactly what happened.

But back in those old days of 2016 (it seems like a 100 years ago), Trump was losing every poll by 5 to 10 points. Then with the actual vote, he won.

Then in 2020, Trump was trailing Biden by even more- in many polls 7 to 10 points, and sometimes even higher. And still Trump almost won. Once again, his actual votes far out-performed the polls.

Some (like me) would argue Trump did win outright in 2020, but was cheated. But even if you believe Trump lost, the election was determined by a few thousands votes in six swing states. That’s with Trump supposedly down by double digits according to polls.

The thing is, I don’t think Democrats can rig and cheat more than 10 points. And this time, Trump is leading by a landslide…

*Polls show Trump leading the popular vote for the first time in his political career.

*Those same polls show him leading in all seven swing states.

*Smart money at the largest betting sites in the world now make Trump a 2-to-1 favorite.

*And more importantly, the GOP is dominating early voting.

The Democrats and the Deep State just aren’t going to be able to rig this one- and they know it!

The tell? Democrats are desperate. You can see the panic and hysteria as it sinks in, that they won’t be able to steal this one. That’s why leading Democrats have resorted to calling Trump “Hitler.” Whoopi Goldberg says Trump will separate interracial married couples. Other leading Democrats claim Trump will use the military against the citizens. Oh my God, these people are insane.

Desperate people do desperate things.

So, now we all have to look out for really desperate measures- whether in the days before Election Day, or in the days after a Trump victory. Here are a few scenarios I believe may be coming…

*Option number one: I suspect we may experience a “false flag” mass shooting, or supposed “domestic terrorist attack” that Democrats will use to blame Trump and the GOP. These Democrats are so desperate, I believe they’d rather incite a civil war, than allow a Trump takeover of the White House and the U.S. government.

What do they get with a mass terror event and the start of a civil war? They get to lockdown the country, declare martial law, and cancel the election. If you don’t think the desperate Deep State is capable of this, you’re very naïve.

*Option number two: Start World War 3. I truly believe the Democrats and the evil, greedy Deep State would rather start a world war than allow Trump to take power. The result of a world war on multiple fronts could be similar to a civil war- lockdown the country, declare martial law and cancel the election. And as a bonus, throw in a draft- ordering our sons and daughters to the Russian Front, or to Taiwan, or the Middle East, or all three at once.

The point with all these scenarios is to create fear, confusion, distraction and maybe even patriotism towards the government-in-power.

Option number three: This is the one I think is the most likely to happen: Trump wins, despite the biggest voter fraud operation in world history. And then the real battle begins.

Democrats are insane with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” They will not accept a Trump victory. I expect nationwide riots, anarchy, looting, burning, and attacks on American institutions.

This country could burn like never before in history.

Keep in mind, Democrats have an army of 20 million illegal alien invaders- most of them military- aged males, many of them criminals let out of prisons and mental institutions, ready to destroy America “from within.”

While that’s happening, while the citizens are in shock and frightened, while the nation is burning, I’m betting Democrats in Congress will try to block Trump from taking power on the grounds he led an “insurrection.”

Ironically, THIS is the real insurrection.

All that talk about January 6th 2021 was always a smokescreen. Democrats are the ones who will take up arms, carry out a real insurrection, and try to overturn the results of a fair election.

These creeps, scumbags and communist, globalist traitors will do anything to stop President Trump from taking power and giving the country back to the American people.

Stay frosty. We’re going to win. Trump will become the 47th President of the United States and make America great again- that’s the fantastic news. But it’s going to get dark, dangerous and scary for a while.

The forces of evil never go quietly.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!

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