Why and how ‘progressives’ are systematically destroying our values and way of life – www.cairnsnews.org


JOE Biden, with his gay puppeteer Obama looking on approvingly, has publicly reaffirmed Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day. The symbolism of that act during the Christianity’s most significant day, could be seen as elevating satanism, given that in occult tradition, Baphomet is the bisexual, half animal-human entity also called Satan.

The fact that this day was declared some 15 years ago, then all of a sudden is officially endorsed from the White House by the President of the United States, speaks volumes about the nature of the powers that be in Washington DC. It was also publicly endorsed by Australia’s lesbian Foreign Minister Senator Penny Wong.

A social media post stated the following: “The figure of Baphomet, with its symbolic fusion of masculine and feminine traits, underscores the concept of gender fluidity and confronts conventional gender binaries, echoing the core aspects of transgender identity. This approach is a deliberate attempt to reevaluate and lessen the prominence of Christian traditions, with the aim of redirecting attention towards satanic symbolism and values.”

Joe Biden’s appointee, Dr “Rachel” Levine, was been sworn in as assistant secretary for health, the first transgender four-star officer in US history. He’s also an easy target for meme makers.

But Biden, of course, plays politics around this, parading himself as the loyal old Catholic who goes to Mass on Easter Sunday as well, prompting this comment from former Australian and New York Post journalist Miranda Devine: “Will Catholics please wake up to the fact that Joe Biden is a blasphemous fraud and for all his overt piety and ostentatious mass-going he should not get communion until he repents. President Biden declares Easter Sunday “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

Australia’s Labor-Green-Teal alliance is just another version of the US Democratic Party. They are the cross-section of Socialist International, the Fabians, the New Left, the Green Left and the old fashioned communists and all would welcome Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day – or at the very least, dare not speak against it.

As much as some political observers are prone to dismissing the LGBTIQ movement as a divisive distraction, it is very much part of the disruptive revolutionary spearhead of the globalist New Left, because it undermines the Christian underpinnings of western civilisation.

In the new order, the so-called Global Liberal Order, God is no longer supreme and “God” can by any god. Likewise, gender and family is no longer certain, it’s what you choose. It’s all about “tolerance” and “inclusivity”, or so the gender activists tell us.

But Billboard Chris, a Canadian campaigner against the appalling practice of gender surgery on children, has found these so-called champions of tolerance and inclusivity can be quite the opposite. The standard action of the gender revolutionaries is to shut down and censor any public “anti-trans” views to the point of violence, as he experienced recently in his home city of Vancouver and as UK campaigner Posie Parker experienced here and in New Zealand.

A US doctor and army veteran Steven Miller MD, PhD, notes that the transgender cult targets the most vulnerable among us: our children. “It sows confusion and despair during their formative years, robbing them of the innocence and joy of childhood. These monstrous experiments on children would even horrify some Nazis, as they inflict irreversible harm to the health of the victims,” he posted on X.

“In the case of men, they are left with a literal open wound for the rest of their lives, robbing them of future relationships and the gift of children. This cruel crime is committed against those who cannot consent.”

Miller goes on: “Advocates of the trans identity cult use legal means to separate children from their parents, who only wish to be involved in their child’s healthcare decisions. This is a ruthless tactic that tears families apart and leaves lasting emotional scars.

“The vast majority of individuals who suffer from gender dysphoria are cured through a natural process known as puberty. Meanwhile, society is not prepared to meet the needs of the growing number of victims of the trans cult.”

This is all happening on our doorstep too. This transgender ideology is Labor-Green-Teal policy with a significant number of the “tolerant, small-L” Liberals supporting it as well. But it is only one front in the bigger campaign to essentially destroy western civilization and most importantly, the United States of America.

In New Zealand, LGBTQ ideology became entrenched under the Ardern government. In Auckland an LGBTQ mob attacked UK women’s rights campaigner Posie Parker when she attempted to speak publicly in a park. She was also subjected to threats of violence and forced to stay at a secret location, only to be harassed by media after police leaked the location.

Leading the attack on Parker was 2023 Young New Zealander of the Year, a transgender journalist Shaneel Lal, who used the columns of the NZ Herald to cheer on the rabble trying to shut Parker down. Today, members of the south Auckland Destiny Church are among the few members of the public prepared to take direct action against the LGBTQ establishment.

In Queensland, the Labor government is attempting to prevent churches, church schools and other religious institutions from isolating themselves from the LGBTQ brigade with its Anti-Discrimination Bill 2024.

This Bill would prohibit these organisations from giving employment preference to people who support their particular religious doctrine. But, the state would “graciously” make an exception for the employment of ordained priests and ministers and for their training and education.

Associate Professor Mark Fowler says the Bill will impose a ‘duty to eliminate discrimination’ that requires religious institutions to proactively engage in activities that do not conform to their religious beliefs, for instance, preventing a church from disciplining a Bishop or Imam who engaged in extra-marital affairs, whether heterosexual or homosexual, or even where they engaged in prostitution.

In other words, putting aside all the legal subtleties of this Bill, and others like it, Australian states run by Labor-Green coalitions are targeting religious institutions for suppression and control, in brazen defiance of Section 116 of the Constitution, which clearly prohibits the Commonwealth from making laws that restrict the free exercise of religion.

State governments and various legal experts, raise the disingenuous argument that S. 116 only applies only applies when a law of the Commonwealth is inconsistent with a law of the state, and since there are no Commonwealth laws to protect religious freedom, there is no inconsistency.

Jay Dyer, a political researcher who appears on Infowars.com, denies the often stated claim that we are ruled by a bunch of idiots, and says the subversion of America, which applies to the west generally, is very methodical and planned out. “The corporate elite are not stupid. They know how to use these techniques to take down countries.”

Referring to this year’s WEF Davos meeting that he attended, he said most of those who went, the heads of state and the CEOs, “are kind of up there towards the top but don’t really run the show”. “They certainly have a degree of power but they answer to a system, a structure, that was there a long time ago.

“It’s important to understand that we are 100, 200 years in to what we are going through, this plan for a global, world Fabian socialist technocratic state that they want to build. We’re way deep into this.”

Dyer cited the US border invasion as one of the recent globalist projects, along with the western central bank model that creates inflation, the project exposed by Carroll Quigley in conjunction with neo-liberalism and Marxist-socialism. “Both of those models are amenable to and support the central banking fiat, debt-based usury model.”

This in turn became an “alchemical” or societal dissolution model that would bring the world into a technocratic superstate, as described by Arthur Koestler in Ghost in the Machine. “They do this implosion from within and restructuring for all areas of life.”

All government systems or structures, says Dyer, tend to have flaws, so the change agents will exploit the flaw, blow it up and then present the pre-packaged solution, the new model, the transhumanist, technocratic world.

Dyer says the change agents have also attempted to get mankind to rethink how he sees himself and his world and one of the key white papers on this is “Changing Images of Man” put out by Joseph Campbell and others at the research arm of Stanford University, California.

“The idea was that as the western biblical model fell apart it could be replaced with new ways that man could reintegrate himself into a global order. In order to get to the end goal, the 2030-2040 end goal … there would be a lot of battles and restructuring and implosion and subversion that would happen along the way. So we’re kind of positioned in the mid-way between the planning stages of this last 100 to 200 years and the rolling-out phases towards 2030, 2040 and 50.”

Going on to discuss the methods of subversion, Dyer says in his view religion became the key target, and the recent history of this can be seen in the ideas of Adam Weishaupt of the Bavarian Illuminati and later in the writings of Blavatsky and her “Isis Unveiled”, revealing the priestess class of witchcraft.

With the assistance of feminism, this was now being unveiled as the new, hermaphrodite Baphomet religion, which is essentially that you can become the opposite of what you biologically are by your own will and decision. “This is really just a religion of will worship or self-worship, so we’re talking about the subversion, first, of religion, and the culture changes are downstream from that.”

The subversion of American culture by the various socialist and communist movements of the early 1900s can be seen in the biography of publisher Alexander Trachtenberg. The American socialist movement gained ground with the collapse of Wall St and the Great Depression.

An interesting aspect of this Jewish communist’s life is his involvement with the Rand School of Social Science formed in 1906 in New York by the Socialist Party of America. Its goal was educating workers in class-consciousness and running summer camps for socialist and trade union activists. It was also a research bureau and publisher – a forerunner of today’s endless NGOs pushing social change.

The size and scope of this organisation is remarkable. When considering the range of lecturers and teachers it employed, one could say with a fair amount of certainty that it had a profound institutional effect in America.

By the time Senator Joseph McCarthy woke the US Congress up to the extent of communist subversion in the USA in the early 1950s, the communists and socialists had done their ground work. Even in Australia the Communist Party was at work in the 1930s, laying the ground work for the Aboriginal Land Rights movement and other activities.

The sum total of this subversion is what we are seeing today in Australia – a country dominated by parties of the socialist spectrum. A large proportion of these politicians and backroom operatives are possibly clueless as to this bigger picture. They are mere party loyalists who do what they are told.

But their broader policy direction is destructive of Australia’s traditional moral and economic strengths. The so-called transition to renewables, for instance, is destroying the basis of the economy that built the country – cheap and abundant 24×7 coal-fired electricity. Take that away and energy-intense industry goes with it. That has already happened to a large degree.

Also disappearing rapidly is the young home-owning family. This is a result of profound dysfunction of the economy and made worse by open-door immigration policy – the idea promoted by the Left of “the wall coming down”.

Dyer says the ideological motivation of the Left, if you want to understand them, “is really a narcissistic dark triad that utilises virtuous victimhood”, which came out in a recent psychology paper.

“The thesis of the paper was that in a supposedly egalitarian, equalitarian, democratic society, people who are cunning and who are exhibiting narcissistic traits, their way to get ahead, score points and even monetary gain, is through signifying and signalling your oppression status – signifying you’re a victim.”

But Dyer goes on to point out that the current agenda such as DEI and SDGs is not so much a leftist or liberal agenda but a “dark, 1demonic inversion agenda”. Corporations implement them not because they help them operate more efficiently, but because “they answer to a higher power in terms of cultural warfare”.

We can take some hope in the fact that an awakening is taking place, even to the point of a national strike being organised against the woke, corporate councils that implement so much of the agenda. That is one front of the pushback. There are others.

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